Community Forum

Cannot config XML

Forum Overview >> Editor

Created02.08.2021 18:36

Karl Atkinson (Shnim1) 02.08.2021 18:36
Hi - I know that this topic has come up a lot, but I cant seem to get an answer. I cannot load GIANTS editor at all on my sons laptop. an error dialogue box opens saying that it cant load xml config file... I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. He is using a gaming laptop and has top graphics cards etc so I know it isnt a hardware problem. In fact, the editor works fine on my lenovo which isnt as good. Please help anyone!!!! Thank you in advance

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 03.08.2021 00:51
Make sure, editor and game related files are exclusive on local drives, NOT in cloud storage like eg. OneDrive. Due to enhanced access times (perhaps in combination with WLAN) this often leads to read errors.

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