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Farmland Painting doesn't work

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Created27.11.2021 01:46

Owen Nielsen (OwenNiels) 27.11.2021 01:46
I'm trying to paint the farmlands in a new map but when I load it in game its not working.

I have the whole map painted in layer 1 and 2 and the xml looks fine, when I load it in game the entire map is 1 large buyable area and it does not appear as 2 different farmlands in the way I painted it.

Is there something I'm missing?

William B (parzival) 27.11.2021 02:01
did you select the correct file location, fs22, all files in map.xml go to data folder,

Owen Nielsen (OwenNiels) 27.11.2021 02:27
yeah its the correct file location, I can also change the prices in the xml and it will translate into the game so I know the xml is correct. I feel like theres something in GE that I'm not doing, and theres very little for tutoirals in 22, I watched a 19 tutorial on farmlands and I did exactly what he did and I have this problem.

Owen Nielsen (OwenNiels) 27.11.2021 02:46
yeah its the correct file location, I can also change the prices in the xml and it will translate into the game so I know the xml is correct. I feel like theres something in GE that I'm not doing, and theres very little for tutoirals in 22, I watched a 19 tutorial on farmlands and I did exactly what he did and I have this problem.

Owen Nielsen (OwenNiels) 27.11.2021 03:03

Mike Canada (OldGuy) 27.11.2021 11:18
delete all farm lands, save and start fresh,

Florian Lalala (schulle334) 27.11.2021 13:09
first adjust the path in map.xml <farmlands filename="$data/maps/mapFR/farmlands.xml" />
to <farmlands filename="maps/mapFR/farmlands.xml" />

then change in the farmland.xml the entry

<farmlands densityMapFilename="$data/maps/mapFR/data/infoLayer_farmland.grle" numChannels="6" pricePerHa="60000">
to <farmlands densityMapFilename="maps/mapFR/data/infoLayer_farmland.grle" numChannels="6" pricePerHa="60000">

if you don't have infoLayer_farmland.grle and farmlands.xml you can just copy it from data/maps/mapFR/data and paste it into your map

Bhrawn 22.01.2022 15:00
Schulle334, ^^THIS^^ is the answer to the problem that's been plaguing me for almost 3 weeks. I *knew* I was doing everything right with the farmland channels and farmland definitions, but without removing the "$data/" from the map.xml and farmland.xml, it never loads the mod file. You, good person, deserve a raise! Thank you so much for your post. You've saved my sanity!

Those 3 weeks did, however, sure teach me a lot about the GIANTS editor, file structure, and how their coding works that I probably wouldn't have learned for quite some time. So it wasn't all wasted... thankfully.

Bhrawn 22.01.2022 15:03

Bhrawn 22.01.2022 15:04

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