
Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created07.05.2013 19:14

Mark Gael (Unknown) 07.05.2013 19:16
next problem, i use maya 2013x64 and the answer from exproter, cant find MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH, what does it mean? I describe the right path information for the script, but it doesn´t work.
Is it better, to deinstall maya and install it new?

pls contact me

Billy Sweeney (Unknown) 23.09.2013 05:00
Can you post what error you are getting?

Yannik Zausig (Unknown) 26.12.2014 10:33
Hi Mark,

are you sure, that the path in the commandline of the i3D-button is right?
Check the video-tutorials about FS2013 (maya exporter-installation:
Any backslashes(you know, maya can't read them)? Maybe that's helpful, maybe not.
I think, you needn't have to install maya again.


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