How to convert bone animation in Maya 2013

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created11.01.2014 15:07

Adam Plachta (Unknown) 11.01.2014 15:10
Is it possibile to convert bone animation in Maya 2013? If I try to open converted scene GE stop work.
P.S. Sorry for my English ;)

Ludovic Fritz (mrludo40) 06.02.2014 23:07

yes once have been the export must open your i3d with notpad
and give nodeId in "skinBindNodeIds" otherwise crash GE


<Shape name="flex:Hose_Top" translation="0.0642551 0.352417 -0.0965055" nodeId="27" materialIds="12" shapeId="1" castsShadows="true" receiveShadows="true" skinBindNodeIds="28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37"/>
<TransformGroup name="joint1" translation="0.0598846 0.320459 0.0715966" rotation="0 89.7351 0" nodeId="28">
<TransformGroup name="joint2" translation="0.0379625 0 0" rotation="0 0.339899 0" nodeId="29">
<TransformGroup name="joint3" translation="0.0379261 -4.44008e-016 -6.245e-016" rotation="-0.0693852 -1.30163 3.05161" nodeId="30">
<TransformGroup name="joint4" translation="0.0378805 -2.22034e-016 1.249e-016" rotation="0.078758 0.632209 4.05042" nodeId="31">
<TransformGroup name="joint5" translation="0.0382835 -4.21874e-015 -1.24914e-016" rotation="-0.024998 -0.120426 4.62613" nodeId="32">
<TransformGroup name="joint6" translation="0.037886 5.55082e-015 -1.80357e-016" rotation="-0.152647 -0.513836 4.81866" nodeId="33">
<TransformGroup name="joint7" translation="0.036054 -8.21519e-015 3.89012e-016" rotation="-1.06766 -2.98902 3.12177" nodeId="34">
<TransformGroup name="joint8" translation="0.0405825 7.77158e-015 5.82433e-016" rotation="0.561954 1.56676 0.0955459" nodeId="35">
<TransformGroup name="joint9" translation="0.0379349 7.10549e-015 -5.8265e-016" rotation="0.283822 0.80931 -0.400321" nodeId="36">
<TransformGroup name="joint10" translation="0.038974 -3.9968e-015 -1.68919e-016" rotation="0 -88.0979 -19.3243" nodeId="37"/>

Adam Plachta (Unknown) 21.02.2014 21:38
Ok thanks ;) It's work very good

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