Category | Maya Exporter |
Created | 04.11.2014 18:01 |
Jonas Bergenhök (Unknown) | 04.11.2014 18:04 |
i stands: maya profile patch could not be found. Please start Maya at lesat once to create this profile patch. When i download it!!! //Jonas |
Stuart Wood (Unknown) | 04.11.2014 21:34 |
im having the same problem |
Francois Lyonnais (Unknown) | 05.11.2014 16:37 |
me it say plugin installer file is corrupted |
Jonas Bergenhök (Unknown) | 08.11.2014 09:20 |
it is too bad |
Henrik Jansson (Unknown) | 16.11.2014 16:09 |
im having the same problem have u found any solutions? |
Emil Drefers (Unknown) | 09.12.2014 15:02 |
Hi, maya must have been started before (and closed again) But maybe you can use the manual method: Cheers, Emil |
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