Freeze transforms make models imobile in GE

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created15.12.2009 20:05

Axel Nilsson (Unknown) 15.12.2009 20:14
I used maya 2009 and the plugin,i followed the tutorial on the site to use the "freeze tranformations" function to get the right scale, but the model becomes completely imovable when it is in Giants editor, i feel realy mad since i put alot of time and effort in these models and now theyre completely useless.

Christian Ammann - GIANTS Software 17.12.2009 23:06
Hi Axel,

What do you mean by "completely imovable in Giants editor"?

Axel Nilsson (Unknown) 19.12.2009 13:21
i mean that i cant manipulate any of the parts on the model when i used the freeze transformations button. you can get to work. the models have the wrog scale so i had to use the function according to the i3d exporter tutorial.
Sorry but im realy dissapointed since i spent alot of time to make these models

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