iusses opening the exporter files and blender files and maya files

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created06.02.2016 20:02

David Nicely (Unknown) 06.02.2016 20:07
hey I try opening up the MAYA_i3d_export_6.0.3_win files and the blender_i3d_6.0.2_win and the max_i3d_6.0.3_win files. I downloaded this files and go to install them its says that it can`t find the path files I removed them and redownloaded them and still no path files. wut is going on.i am using a windows 10 pc that is 64 bit can you plz fix this problem thank you

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 08.02.2016 08:15

which path can't be found?
And what is the exact error message?

If the path to the installation file of the exporter plugins can't be foudn it is most likely a problem with your PC, eventually a anti virus software causes some problems?


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