Category | Maya Exporter |
Created | 11.04.2010 13:19 |
Ravan Todica (Unknown) | 11.04.2010 13:23 |
Please can anybody explain me how i can export from Maya I put I3DExporter2010.mll This is the error:// Error: Plug-in, "C:/Documents and Settings/<razvy>/My Documents/maya/scripts/I3DExporter2010.mll", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. // Mfg. |
Nico Walters (Unknown) | 14.04.2010 09:45 |
Hi Ravan, change the BackSlash "\" into an normal Slash "/" then all runs fine! Greets Nico |
Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software | 21.04.2010 07:57 |
You should remove the < and > around your username. So it read ..Settings/razvy/My Documents/... |
Friedrich L. (Unknown) | 02.05.2010 10:31 |
Yes, "loadPlugin -qt "C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Friedrich/Eigene Dateien/maya/scripts/I3DExporter2008.mll"; source I3DExportUI; source I3DExportValidate; I3DExport;" Save this as .mel file and open the file with maya, you can export i3Ds. You need to have the right script in maya/scripts and the i3D hudFile. |
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