FS17 - IK Joints

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created08.11.2016 23:09

Tobias F (JD6930) 08.11.2016 23:14

i'm creating a new mod for FS17.
I want to use the new IK-Skinning method of FS17.

I'm using normal Joints and Skin them with Bind Skin.

While exporting i get this in my maya-log:
// Warning: file: C:/.../maya/2016/scripts/I3DExportUI.mel line 2253: No objects specified that can have connections.

Also my skinned mesh has to be under the skeleton in scenegraph, the default vehicles has another structure.

Do you use another method of IK-Joints?


Force 86 (Unknown) 13.01.2017 11:16

I´m trying make crane with joints, but can´t get it work right.

That skinnig tutorial not help.

Maybe somebody can make tutorial simple ik-joints, where explained how joints must be made (+binding), scenegraphic structure and exporting (+settings).

Got it work..
Solution was in exporter merge group (attributes->rendering)
Now i have one mesh with bones in GE.

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