Custom Shader Attributes

Forum Overview >> Maya Exporter

CategoryMaya Exporter
Created26.07.2010 17:29

Manuel Leithner - GIANTS Software 26.07.2010 17:33

i want to set up a custom shader in maya. So i inserted 2 attributes called "customShader" and "customShaderParameter_name" to export a CustomShader property and a parameter element in the i3d materials section.
But now i want to add a customMap too. Can you tell me the correct maya attribute?

I tried to define the attribute called "custommap_name" and "customMap_name" but it didn't work.


Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 27.07.2010 10:33
The names are:

Pavel (Unknown) 31.01.2011 13:54
The attribute "customShader" works fine. But I don't understand what i need to do to get in the my i3d file like below:
<Reflectionmap fileId="14" type="cube" wrap="false" refractiveIndex="1" bumpScale="0.1"/>
Now I have only:
<Reflectionmap type="planar" refractiveIndex="2" bumpScale="0.1"/>
What I need write in the "customParametr_..." or "customTexture_..."?

Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 01.02.2011 13:58
You should not enable the reflection map using the refractiveIndex != 1. You need to assign the cubemap to the "Reflected Color" attribute of the material.

Pavel (Unknown) 02.02.2011 19:49
It's work. Thank you! :)

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