Exporter Plugin for AC3D

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Created25.03.2010 16:16

Leonard B. (Unknown) 25.03.2010 16:18
is it able to create an Exporter Plugin for AC3D?
It would be very good, because a lot of people are working with this program, an so it would be easier to convert to i3d with AC3D and not first importing in Autodesk Maya.

Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 21.04.2010 08:19
Unfortunately we currently do not have the time to create an I3D exporter for AC3D, thus we do not have planned to create one in the near future.

However there is nothing that prevents anyone in the community from creating its own I3D exporter, if he is capable of programming C++.
The I3D format is fully documented here:

Leonard B. (Unknown) 25.04.2010 19:22
sure you don`t have any time at the moment, but you have created an plugin for 3Ds Max an for Blender too, so why not for AC3D.
I think a lot of people work with AC3D, an so it would be very useful.
You will have to create a new plugin for Maya2011 an other new versions so we would be happy to get an exporter plugin for AC3D.
An remember: not everybody is able to script his own plugin.

Stefan Geiger - GIANTS Software 29.04.2010 11:07
Maya and 3DS Max are the most used 3D tools, thus we need an exporter for those. The blender exporter is here to provide an I3D exporter for a free 3d tool. Since AC3D is not free, it was not an alternative to the blender exporter.
Blender however can directly import ac file, thus this shouldn't be too much of a limitation.

The maya 2011 version does not cost a lot of time to develop, since the code is mostly compatible with all Maya versions. We almost only need to compile the doe against the Maya 2011 SDK and probably do some small adjustments.

I am aware of that not everybody can write hiw own plugin, that's why there is the the note "if he is capable of programming C++" in my previous post.

Of course it would be nice to have an AC3D exporter, but this would rape some development time of the next farming simulator, and you all want a lot of cool new features, don't you? ;)

Tobias F (JD6930) 29.04.2010 19:51
I think so^^

And there are many People who can convert the models :D

Leonard B. (Unknown) 30.04.2010 16:11
Of course, but I think you know what I mean, an with Blender it`s not as easy as it is with Maya. If you ask modder you will see that a lot of them are workin with AC3D too, and of course are there a lot of people who can convert the models for someone, but it would be easier to make a testconvert to see if everything is right or to convert the model like it should be.
Thanks for answering, maybe somebody is able to write an exporter plugin.

Luca Braun (Bigfarmer145) 30.04.2010 21:58
There are some problems not only while developing a Plugin for AC3D but also in AC3D self. You can't set the Pivots and you haven't any change to subordinate the objects! And all in one is AC3D not the best Program for Modeling. Blender is much better.

Leonard B. (Unknown) 02.05.2010 08:10
Yesterday I saw a plugin for AC3D to show the pivots.
Maybe you will have some problems, but I think ACD3 is easier in modeling than Blender.
I mean the modding program could only be so good as the person who works with it.
So if you never have worked with Maya you can`t built good models.

Marcil 1509 (marcil1509) 16.08.2020 12:49
Sure, there are blender exporter and you can import ac files but...


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