Grimme particle editing so i can load different friuts

Forum Overview >> Feature Requests

CategoryFeature Requests
Created22.10.2016 09:27

Derek Latham (ragworm) 22.10.2016 09:29
i would like to add carrot and onion to grimme but it only allows beat and pot
it will harvest but i cant get particles to work have been trying about 12 months :(

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 24.10.2016 08:23

in the xml file of the vehicle you'll find a line which describes/defines the particle systems (ps).
There you can also add an attribute which defines for which fruit type this ps is used.


Penny Maystre (Unknown) 01.07.2020 12:42
I having trouble with the onion and carrots harvester I can only hire a driver to harvest it and my B button will not let me use it manually, Hire drivers don't all ways drive right some times they stop and you have to start again to get it harvest I am using the stone valley map to look at the new fruits please help

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