Possible to get a steam key after retail purchase?

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CategoryFeature Requests
Created06.08.2017 02:34

Ryan Convery (Unknown) 06.08.2017 02:34
So I recently purchased the game through an online retailer and would like to know if it's possible to get a key for steam, I know of many many developers such as Introversion Software or Cryptic Sea who have done that and so I don't know how hard it is to get a key for a user such as my self. It makes my and other users lives easier with updating and modding through the workshop and I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you very much!

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 07.08.2017 07:19

sorry, but this forum is not the right place for questions like that.

Please contact our customer support
They have all the information and can help you much better.


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